Pavement Inspection Fields

Pavement inspections are created through work orders. The pavement inspection shows the pavement inspection ID and the work order (WO) that the inspection was created from.

  • Branch: The road where the pavement inspection takes place.
  • Highlight: Click to highlight the branch on the map.
  • Section: The section of the map where the pavement inspection is recorded.
  • Highlight: Click to highlight the section on the map.
  • Location: The full name of the street or address location.
  • Section From/To: The sections from one area to another area of where the pavement inspection lies.
  • Section Area: The measurement of the area.
  • Inspected By: Select the employee who inspected the pavement.
  • Date: Enter the inspection date or select it using the calendar.
  • Surface: Select the type of surface for the pavement inspection. The content of this list is populated by the administrator in Designer under PreferencesCustom CodesRSRFMTRL.
  • Paver Id: The pavement inspection ID.
  • Comments: Enter any applicable comments for the inspection.
  • Save: Click to save the information.

The following fields are found on the Add Sample panel.

  • Sample No.: Enter the sample number.
  • Sample Type: Select the type of sample. The content of this list is populated by the administrator in Designer under PreferencesCustom CodesRSMPTYPE.
  • Sample Size: Enter a number or choose a number using the arrows, and select a unit of measurement. The content of this list is populated by the administrator in Designer under PreferencesCustom CodesRSIZUNIT.
  • Comments: Enter any applicable comments for the sample.
  • Add: Click to add the sample.

The following fields are found on the Add Distress panel.

  • Distress: Select the type of distress. The is determined by the surface type selected in the General panel.
  • Severity: Select Low, Medium, High, or N/A (not applicable) to indicate the level of severity.
  • Quantity: Enter a number or select a number using the arrows. The unit of measurement shows next to the field.
  • Comments: Enter any applicable comments for the distress.
  • Add: Click to add the distress to the sample.